
元描述: 世界最大集装箱船“OOCL PORTUGAL”轮成功出江试航,标志着中远川崎建造的同系列6艘船型全部出江试航。这艘巨轮的诞生将为全球航运业带来革命性变化,并推动中国造船业迈向新的高度。


Imagine a ship so massive, it dwarfs even the largest aircraft carriers. Imagine a vessel capable of carrying over 24,000 standard containers - enough to hold the entire contents of a small city! This is the reality of the "OOCL PORTUGAL," the world's largest container ship, which recently embarked on its maiden voyage. This awe-inspiring feat of engineering is not just a testament to the capabilities of the Chinese shipbuilding industry, but a harbinger of a new era in global shipping.


The "OOCL PORTUGAL" is a product of the skilled hands and innovative minds at China COSCO Shipping Heavy Industries (NanTong) Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., better known as Zhongyuan Kawasaki. This impressive vessel boasts an array of groundbreaking features:

  • Unrivaled Capacity: With a capacity of 24,188 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units), the "OOCL PORTUGAL" can carry more cargo than any other container ship currently in operation. To put that in perspective, its cargo capacity is equivalent to over 240 freight trains!
  • Imposing Dimensions: The ship stretches for a staggering 399.99 meters in length, with a beam (width) of 61.30 meters and a draft (depth) of 33.20 meters. Its deck area is equivalent to 3.5 standard football fields, and it has a deadweight tonnage of 220,000 tons.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: The "OOCL PORTUGAL" is equipped with the latest technologies to enhance its efficiency and environmental performance. This includes optimized hull design for reduced fuel consumption, advanced cargo handling systems, and cutting-edge navigation and communication equipment.


The "OOCL PORTUGAL" represents a significant milestone in the evolution of global shipping. Its incredible capacity will revolutionize the transportation of goods across oceans, enabling faster and more efficient delivery of goods to markets around the world. This will have a profound impact on global trade, potentially leading to:

  • Lower Shipping Costs: By optimizing cargo capacity and efficiency, the "OOCL PORTUGAL" and similar vessels could potentially reduce shipping costs, making goods more affordable for consumers worldwide.
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Efficiency: The ability to move vast amounts of cargo quickly and efficiently will improve supply chain management, reducing delays and disruptions.
  • Increased Global Trade: The ease and affordability of global shipping could lead to an increase in international trade, boosting economic growth and fostering globalization.


The "OOCL PORTUGAL" is not just a technological marvel; it is also a testament to the growing capabilities of the Chinese shipbuilding industry. This industry has undergone a rapid transformation in recent years, becoming a global leader in ship construction and innovation. The success of the "OOCL PORTUGAL" is a clear indication that China is capable of competing with the best shipbuilders in the world. This achievement will inspire further innovation and growth within the Chinese shipbuilding sector, potentially leading to:

  • Increased Investment: The success of the "OOCL PORTUGAL" is likely to attract further investment in the Chinese shipbuilding sector, leading to the development of even more advanced and efficient vessels.
  • Job Creation: The growth of the Chinese shipbuilding industry is expected to create numerous jobs, contributing to economic growth and social development.
  • Technological Advancement: The Chinese shipbuilding industry is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation, developing new technologies and solutions that benefit the entire maritime sector.


The "OOCL PORTUGAL" is a remarkable achievement, but it is just the beginning. The future of shipping is likely to be characterized by even larger, more efficient, and environmentally friendly vessels. The Chinese shipbuilding industry is well-positioned to lead this revolution, with its commitment to innovation, technological advancement, and sustainability.

关键词:世界最大集装箱船,OOCL PORTUGAL,中远川崎,全球航运业,中国造船业


The "OOCL PORTUGAL" is more than just a giant ship; it is a symbol of the changing landscape of global trade and the potential of the Chinese shipbuilding industry. Its impact will be felt far beyond the realm of shipping, influencing industries ranging from manufacturing to retail to logistics.


The "OOCL PORTUGAL" embodies the future of efficient transportation. Its massive capacity allows for the consolidation of cargo, reducing the number of ships needed to transport goods across the globe. This translates to significant fuel savings and reduced environmental impact.


The "OOCL PORTUGAL" is a bridge connecting people and economies across the world. Its ability to transport vast quantities of goods will facilitate global trade, fostering economic growth and promoting international cooperation.


The success of the "OOCL PORTUGAL" is a testament to the remarkable progress of the Chinese shipbuilding industry. It demonstrates the country's commitment to innovation and technological advancement, solidifying its position as a global leader in ship construction.


1. “OOCL PORTUGAL” 的建造公司是谁?

“OOCL PORTUGAL” 由中远川崎(China COSCO Shipping Heavy Industries (NanTong) Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.)建造。

2. 这艘船的载箱量是多少?

“OOCL PORTUGAL” 的载箱量为 24,188 TEUs(标准箱)。

3. 这艘船的尺寸有多大?

这艘船长 399.99 米,宽 61.30 米,深 33.20 米。它的甲板面积相当于 3.5 个标准足球场。

4. 这艘船有什么特殊的技术?

“OOCL PORTUGAL” 配备了最新技术,例如优化船体设计以降低燃料消耗、先进的货物处理系统以及最先进的导航和通信设备。

5. 这艘船对全球航运业有何意义?

“OOCL PORTUGAL” 是全球航运业的一个里程碑,它将彻底改变货物在海洋上的运输方式,使货物能更快、更有效地运送到世界各地的市场。

6. 这艘船对中国造船业有何意义?

“OOCL PORTUGAL” 是中国造船业实力的证明。它表明中国能够与世界上最好的造船商竞争,并推动中国造船业走向新的高度。


The "OOCL PORTUGAL" is a remarkable feat of engineering, a testament to human ingenuity, and a symbol of the changing landscape of global trade. Its arrival marks a new era in shipping, one characterized by efficiency, innovation, and sustainability. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the "OOCL PORTUGAL" serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of technology and the potential of human collaboration to create a more prosperous and sustainable future.